by Jeanette Dale
Many years ago I had a spiritual visitation. A man appeared to me dressed as an Australian army soldier. No words were spoken, he just looked at me. I was shocked and had no revelation or understanding of what it meant.
Years later the Lord sent me to the United Kingdom for a five and a half month period. During my stay there I had four significant visions.
Through a number of open doors I was directed to stay with an intercessor called Rosie for three days. During this time the Lord showed me two visions.
1st Vision
In the first vision I saw a Chinese man standing at his field. He had a bag around his waist but it was empty. All the seed had been planted in the field and it was ready for harvest
2nd Vision
In the second vision I saw the face of Smith Wigglesworth. The Spirit of prophecy and the power of God fell on me and I prophesied: “We are about to see the greatest harvest the world has ever seen! The Spirit and the word will kiss! There will be explosions of glory! A great harvest of souls will be gathered! It will start in New Zealand and Australia.” To my amazement Smith Wigglesworth prophesied a similar word!!! Also it was a Chinese missionary who opened the door for Smith Wigglesworth to come to the city of Wellington, New Zealand.
Rosie told me about a couple who were in a Jewish Synagogue. They were born again believers in Yeshua. They had walked the Smith Wigglesworth trail. The Lord spoke to them and told them He was bringing someone from Australia to walk the trail with them. The Lord showed us that I was that person. Within moments it was decided to meet with them and go on the trail. They had been waiting for 2 years!
3rd Vision
When we visited Smith Wigglesworth's grave I was overcome with the power of the Holy Spirit and fell on the grave. Immediately I had the third vision. In the vision the Lord's hand, Smith Wigglesworth's hand, and my hand were all connected together – one on top of the other. As I was seeing the vision the team of prophetic intercessors with me were sharing how they could see angelic activity. One of the intercessors was gripped with the power of God and started screaming, “2015, 2015, 2015 shall be the beginning of a seven year season.”
4th Vision
We continued following the Smith Wigglesworth trail and came to the church where he raised his wife from the dead. It was here that I had the fourth vision. I saw words going around and around in a circle. They were words of life, living words, words of covenant.
Meaning of the Visions
I asked the Holy Spirit to show me the meaning of the four visions. This is what He spoke to my heart. “I am releasing the nations of Australia and New Zealand into the promise I spoke through Smith Wigglesworth. This move will connect into that which has been spoken through generals who have already walked the earth. This is not something that needs to be dug up like digging ancient wells. It will be a move of the Spirit that will connect this generation with words that are vibrant and alive in the Spirit realm. Many seeds that have been planted on earth have not yet brought forth their full harvest. Anyone who connects with these living words and calls forth the full harvest will see the resurrection power of My Spirit as never before. There will be manifestations of the extraordinary and the unusual. Souls, treasures, miracles, wholeness and wealth will come forth from these seeds which were ultimately sent forth to release harvest in this hour.”
The Lord led me to John chapter 4:35-39.
As the crowds emerged from the village, Jesus said to His disciples, “Why would you say, 'The harvest is another 4 months away?' Look at all the people coming-now is harvest time! For their hearts are like vast fields of ripened grain-ready for spiritual harvest. And everyone who reaps these souls for eternal life will receive a reward. And those who plant spiritual seeds and those who reap the harvest will celebrate together with great joy! And this confirms the saying, 'One sows the seed and another reaps the harvest.' I have sent you out to harvest a field that you haven't planted where many others have laboured long and hard before you, and now you are privileged to profit from their labours and reap the harvest” (Passion Translation Italics added).
“We are about to enter into the biggest harvest the world has ever seen.”
We are about to enter into the biggest harvest the world has ever seen. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us (Hebrews 12:1). There are those that have gone before us who have paid an incredible price and are waiting for us to harvest that which they planted. It is time for us to align our hearts with this reality, stand up and declare His life giving words. Angelic hosts and ministering spirits sent by God are ready to go to work as we connect in and call the earth to render up what rightfully belongs to the kingdom of God. The Father says, “I am looking for those who will connect in, speak and command the earth to produce what which has already been sown. I am looking for sons who will continue to run the race of the generals who have gone before them. For this is your time New Zealand, this is your time Australia and Great Britain! Arise, take the baton and continue the race!!”
On my return to Australia the Lord led me to a cottage in Central Victoria. A prophetess told me that I would receive a revelation regarding the soldiers from the Australia and New Zealand Army Corp (ANZAC). I had just moved into the cottage when I saw the man dressed in army gear again. He appeared in front of me just like he did all those years before. I sought the Lord and He showed me that there is a blessing that belongs to Australia and New Zealand for what the Anzacs did to assist the Jews to safety during the World Wars. He told me that the prophecy Smith Wigglesworth spoke for Australia and New Zealand is the promised blessing for helping His people.
The Lord spoke this word to me in 2012. At that time He said it would commence in 2015. It is interesting that 2015 is the 100th anniversary of the landing of the Anzacs at Gallipoli!!! The number 100 means “full harvest.”
We have a harvest to reap! It is time to align our mouths and call in the harvest from all the seed that has been sown - past and present.
When [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch" (Luke 5:4).
[Jesus] said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish (John 21:6).
In both of these scriptures the harvest was ready! One word from Jesus and the fish came to the net. The harvest was waiting for someone to cast the net. Today is the day for Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain to rise up and reap the promised blessing, to raise His banner and see the whole earth filled with His glory!
Even although this word is addressed to specific nations, I believe the promise is for all the earth. The call is to anyone who will respond.
It is time for God the Father to harvest sons.
It is time for Jesus our bridegroom to harvest His bride.
It is time for the earth to harvest and reveal the sons of God (Romans 8:19).
It is time for us to receive the harvest of our promised inheritance.
Jeanette Dale is the founder of Voice of Living Waters, a Prophetic and Intercessory Ministry. She is passionate about seeing the Kingdom of God advancing on the earth. Jeanette co-labors with the Lord to bring revelation from heavenly places to earth. She loves the body of Christ, believes every child of God has a wonderful destiny on the earth not only personally but also corporately and nationally. She carries a prophetic breaker anointing and is a sought after life coach and speaker.Jeanette teaches people to align their lives with the Kingdom of God and is networking with ministries across the globe . She is an Australian who currently is travelling between Australia and New Zealand. She is both a mother and a grandmother. For more info...