by Jacinda Goodsir
November 2024
Reformation definition: ‘The act of making an improvement, especially by changing a person's behaviour or the structure of something.’
Right now the body of Christ is in the middle of reformation. This began in 2020 on the Gregorian calendar, and came upon the church as a ‘suddenly’. Many of us did not recognise it at the time, as we were thrust into a rapid undoing of what had become ‘church’. The shift started with challenging our mindset that associated church to a fixed building on a set day, at a set time. In the absence of having that easily available, church became something many of us longed for and had to rediscover in its simplest form – a gathering of believers who come together to worship and seek God. There were no lights, no soft music, no worship team, no fancy backdrops, no polished graphics to support a 25 minute sermon. Our structure and routine got messed with.
Authenticity has become what we are searching for, as the world has been bombarded with so much noise coming largely from our screens. Due to the immense social media noise, the inclination to trust easily has been tampered with. Discernment is needed front and centre to help believers sift through what is of God, what is almost of God, and what is influenced by an evil motive and agenda. We must become proficient at seeing through smoke and mirrors.
Phl 1:9-10 ESV – 9 “And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, 10 so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,”
In the enemy’s attempt to scatter the sheep, it had the effect of pushing many of us into a place where we found God in our solitude and rediscovered the beauty of true Christian fellowship and the richness of the Word of God. Many have come to the realisation that we must learn to feed ourselves and not solely depend on others to spoon feed us. This can be likened to the teenager who has become dependent on their parents' provision past their time, and is even slightly entitled in their expectations of what their parents should still do for them. In short, the body of Christ in New Zealand is growing up. We are maturing.
Reformation, biblically, is when God directs His people back to His Word and to the proper worship of Him.
Passion and urgency is driving this, as we have stepped into a time of fresh hunger and pursuit of God, evoked by the suddenlies that have occurred in the first half of this decade.
This has resulted in a ripening of the harvest and a threshing within the body of Christ, separating the wheat from the husks.
The Harvest
Shock, fire, and to an extent, persecution have caused an awakening to happen in the hearts and spirits of those who previously did not know God. The fire of testing has caused seeds to germinate in the hearts of these men and women. They are awake and looking to make sense of the world. These ones have been birthed in the fire and carry a Rev 12:11 spirit;
‘They won the victory over him because of the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. They didn’t love their life so much that they refused to give it up.’
I see the Lord using them mightily to shake up religion and stir up fresh faith in the body of Christ. They will be offensive to some and provoking to others.
The Threshing
We, the body of Christ, have been brought to an exposed place where the threshing of wheat takes place. This involves the wind of the Spirit being able to blow in our lives, and it causes the removal of things in our life that are not of God. Reformation can feel both exciting and unsettling, as it involves the undoing of some structures and mindsets in order to reform something to its original intent. The undoing happens in our hearts first, and then we respond by implementing change. Right now the heart reformation is taking place, however as we cross over into the second half of the 2020’s change will start to be seen.
This threshing has and will continue to awaken the body of Christ to their first love and bring them to a place of intimacy once more. The gospel of the Kingdom spoken and backed up with power will be the message that attracts the harvest, and what the Lord uses to make the church ready for the days to come.
1 Cor 4:20 – “For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power.”
The Five Fold
Denominationalism is being replaced by Apostoplic Kingdom Alliances. This means that we stop looking at ‘my church’ and ‘my movement’ and we reform our view to see ‘The church of New Zealand’. God does not see us as individual movements. He sees His bride in our nation as one. This season will see an increase of unity to help equip and strengthen the national body of Christ.
Surrender and Purity
Like the time of Ezra, we are in a moment where God is dealing with any mixture in the priesthood. It is time for a syphoning out of that which has become yeast in the dough – the ideologies of the world and the opinions of man. Just as Ezra was appointed to purify the priesthood and restore right worship, God is appointing men and women who carry a heart of obedience, purity, and worship to restore right worship in our day. Power will not be measured by size and numbers, but rather depth of surrender and purity of heart.
Psalm 24:3-6
“3 Who may climb the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? 4 Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell lies. 5 They will receive the LORD’s blessing and have a right relationship with God their savior. 6 Such people may seek you and worship in your presence, O God of Jacob.”
I see a time of many gatherings of all sizes happening on all days. People who are so full of the Spirit and the love of Jesus that their living rooms will become places of revival and fresh encounter. We have seen one Jesus movement take place that caused a reformation to occur in the body of Christ, and now is the time where we will see a grass roots Jesus movement happen again. This will bring hope and transformation to lives.
As we cross over to 2025 this middle stage of reformation, which involves the purifying of the priesthood, will continue. We will begin to be called to purity to a new level. We will begin to hear words on holiness and the fear of the Lord. We must be careful to ensure that we do not fall into the trap of the law, but rather grow in our revelation that we are pure because Christ is pure, and that as we increase in our personal revelation of Christ in us, this will cause a personal Rom 12:2 response.
Rom 12:2 – “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Discernment: Lord, I ask for an increase in my discernment. Help me to discern what is of You and not of You. Bring clarity to my heart and the hearts of those around me, especially those who are appointed to lead Your church. We ask for wisdom in how to navigate these days and times in love and boldness. In Jesus name.
Purity and Surrender: I invite a fresh revelation of who You are, Jesus. I ask that You would search me anew, and if there is anything stunting Your work in my life, I give You permission to help me to deal with it.
5 fold unity: Thank You for the men and women of God in New Zealand who You have appointed and anointed to equip the body of Christ in this season. Please refresh them, and protect them. Help connect them to each other, and also those congregations that need their ministry.
Jacinda has been recognised as an emerging prophetic voice in our nation and to the nations. She planted the House of Breakthrough in Oamaru NZ alongside her husband Damien, as well as birthing the prophetic voice conference; ‘Roar’. Jacinda is a dynamic prophetic preacher who declares the Word of God with authority and authenticity. She carries an Issachar anointing and is used to prepare and equip the church for transition and shift. Her heart is to see the body of Christ armed in truth and love, and moving in power. For more info or or you can follow her Facebook ministry page at: Jacinda Goodsir ministry