by Nathan Shaw
August 2023.
We are witnessing a fierce demonic assignment hell-bent on systematically destroying the identity of a generation. There are, however, two assignments operating – a heavenly one, and a demonic one – and the heavenly one comes directly from the heart of the Father. Despite the current identity crisis I hear the Father say, “Call this generation the ‘Identity Generation’, because that is what I call them.” The Father’s heavenly assignment carries a profound authority to awaken a generation to their true identity.
The Prophetic Prototype
Gen 2:7 reveals God as a master craftsman with high level workmanship and complete involvement in His creation process. Note the words that describe God’s actions: “The LORD God formed the man from the soil of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Gen 2:7 italics added). In Hebrew mindset the imagery of this verse became a prophetic prototype describing the creation of every single human being (see for example Psa 139:13-16). The words “formed” and “breathed” describe God’s direct involvement. Both words denote intimacy – “formed” referencing God’s hands as they intricately shaped the soil of the ground; and “breathed” referencing God’s mouth as He released His breath into the man. Every human being is worked on by God in two profound ways: they are formed by Him, and breathed by Him.
The first thing Adam saw after God “breathed” was the face of God. God and His image bearer were face to face. In that moment origin, identity and destiny met. Origin, identity and destiny are connected. You can’t understand one without understanding the other. In the ancient world kings were often seen to be in the image of their nation's god or gods.1 The uniqueness of Hebrew mindset was that all humans, not just kings, were created in the image of God (Gen 1:27).
The Prophetic Prototype Re-imaged
The prophetic power of Gen 2:7 is re-imaged in the new birth. After Jesus was resurrected He appeared to His disciples. “He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’” (John 20:22). The same Greek word for “breathed on” is found in Gen 2:7 of the Septuagint. The connection is clear. Every Christian has been breathed on twice – firstly, when they were originally created; and secondly, when they were reborn or recreated. The second creation is every bit as profound as the first. It is the work of a loving, intimate creator who infuses His creation with His very own breath. Once again, like Adam, the first moment we come alive we are face to face with God. We are made in God’s image, therefore, when we are face to face with Him, we know who we are.
Awakened to Awaken
It bears repeating again and again: God is intricately involved in the formation of every single human being. For Christians, however, there is a second layer of revelation. Every human being is made in God’s image, but every Christian is made in God’s image twice! It’s important to understand that when a person is born again they don’t lose their original personality. As Christians we underestimate the significance of our original formation and our rebirth. God breathed His life into us both times.
For a person to know who they are, and where they are going, they need to know their origin. This is where Christians excel. Through rebirth our eyes are more fully opened to the significance of our original formation. Further to this, through rebirth our eyes are more fully opened to the significance of every person’s original formation. That’s why we have authority to tell them who they are.
“Origins give birth to identity. Identity gives birth to destiny.”
The battle over identity is fierce. As Christians our lives have been double stamped with identity. Paul tells us that the cry of the Spirit emanates from the spirit of every Christian. That cry is a cry of identity. “And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, ‘Abba, Father!’” (Gal 4:6). Many in this generation are confused about their identity because they can’t hear our sound. They can’t hear our sound because we haven’t fully realized who we are. When we understand our origins we live awakened. When we live awakened we have authority to reconnect a generation with their origins. That’s when the generation discover who they really are. Origins give birth to identity. Identity gives birth to destiny. Identity is more powerful than most people realize. We must understand who we are.
Awaken the Dawn
David understood what it meant to live fully awake. Notice the progression in Psa 57:8.
“Awake, my soul!”
“Awake, harp and lyre!”
“I will awaken the dawn.”
Firstly, David awakened praise in his own heart. Secondly, he awakened instruments to give expression to that praise. Thirdly, he awakened the dawn of a new day of God’s glory over the nations. He continues: “I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth” (Psa 57:9-11). David understood the connection between his personal awakening, the awakening of nations and peoples, and even the awakening of creation (see Rom 8:19). When we live fully awake we begin to awaken everything around us.
Dawn is a beginning. Gen 2:7 is a beginning and prophesies many beginnings. Like David, we can awaken the dawn over a generation. As we do this they will discover their origin, their identity, and their destiny. The Father says, “Call this generation the ‘Identity Generation’, because that is what I call them. Do not be intimidated by the fierceness of the demonic attack against them. Tell them who they are.”
1D. J. A. Clines, Humanity as the Image of God.
Nathan helps bring individuals and churches into dynamic encounters with God's indescribable love. His passion is to equip churches so that they can move in the Spirit, access heavenly realms, encounter God's heart and release His kingdom on the earth. He has been instrumental in ushering in significant moves of the Spirit in various nations. Many have experienced life changing prophetic encounters and dramatic visitations from God. Nathan is the author of three books: A Defining Moment in History, Passion and Fire and Unto the Least of These and is the senior pastor of Celebration Church, Mosgiel ( Nathan's ministry is called Heart of David Ministries (